Monographies et Ouvrages collectifs

Dans la série Swedish Research at Labraunda

Vol. I:1. K. Jeppesen, The Propylaea, Lund 1955.

Vol. I:2. A. Westholm, The architecture of the Hieron, Lund 1963.

Vol. I:3. P. Hellström & Thomas Thieme, The Temple of Zeus, Stockholm 1982.

Vol. II:1. P. Hellström, Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass, Lund 1965.

Vol. II:2. M.L. Säflund, Stamped Amphora Handles, Stockholm 1980.

Vol. II:3. J.J. Jully, Archaic Pottery, Stockholm 1981.

Vol. II:4. M. Meier-Brügger, Die karischen Inschriften, Stockholm 1982.

Vol. II:5. A.C. Gunter, Marble Sculpture, Stockholm 1995.

Vol. III:1. J. Crampa, The Greek Inscriptions, part 1, Lund 1969.

Vol. III:2. J. Crampa, The Greek Inscriptions, part 2, Stockholm 1972.

Vol. IV. J. Blid, Remains of Late Antiquity, Stockholm 2016.

Vol.V. P. Hellström, J. Blid, The andrones, Stockholm 2019.

Ouvrages collectifs

F. Kuzucu,  Ural, M. (éds.), Mylasa Labraunda – Milas Çomakdağ, Istanbul 2010.

L. Karlsson, Carlsson, S. (éds)., Labraunda and Karia. Proceedings of the international symposium commemorating sixty years of Swedish archaeological work in Labraunda. The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, November 20-21, 2008 (Boreas 32), Uppsala 2011.

L. Karlsson, S. Carlsson & J. Blid Kullberg (eds.), LABRYS, Studies presented to Pontus Hellstrom [Boreas 35], Uppsala 2014.

Guide archéologique

Hellström, P., Labraunda. A Guide to the Karian Sanctuary of Zeus Labraundos, Istanbul 2007.


Henry, O., Le projet hékatomnide à Labraunda, à paraître.